Saturday, June 4, 2011

Baby Quilts

It's the weekend and guess what I'm doing... quilting!  The baby quilt that I've been awaiting with bated breath is back from the quilter.  I finished the binding this morning and couldn't wait to post pictures.  Speaking of binding... what a pain! I machine bound this one, and I might try hand binding next time. I found it hard to keep my stitch line in the seam from the front side and the stitch on the binding and not on the quilt top. I might try hand binding next time. Any suggestions?
   Anyway... here's the finished product.  As you can tell, I'm not about traditional baby color themes (ie. baby blue and pale pink)
I had the quilting done by Susan Culley with Creekside Quilting here in Fairbanks. I love the dimension it adds to the quilt.  

This was made from the Shoeboxes pattern from a book called "Time Out Quilts" by Atkinson Designs.
Considering it was my first quilt I am quite happy with it.

I have another quilt top that is ready to be quilted and I am considering doing on my own. I bought the attachments for free-motion quilting and a walking foot for straight line quilting, but the possibility of royally screwing it up makes me nervous. I'm going to practice before attempting to do it on my own, but in the meantime here is a picture of the quilt top.
The strip of Zebra print fabric at the top is what I'm planning on binding it with. I can't wait to finish it up. We'll see if I get brave and quilt it on my own or take it to Susan.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to click the "Follow" link to the right --> and keep in touch!
-Until next time-

1 comment:

  1. love the quilt let me know when u start making them for sale I'm. first
